
This page is a datamined guide from the official Global release. You can access this guide in-game at any time by selecting 'Help' under 'Menu.'

Game Overview[]

Objective of the Game[]

The characters of this world seek to defeat one another in an attempt to revive their author.

Players advance through the story with their character, defeating nightmares along the way. That is...until they learn the truth about this cursed war.


Story Overview[]

The story depicts battles between characters and nightmares.

Players progress through the story with their characters.
Enemies, called nightmares, appear along the way, and players must defeat them in order to advance.

The story is composed of three parts: The main story, co-op battles, and events.

◆Main Story
Fight battles as you experience a character's individual tale.

◆Co-Op Battle
Fight in battles alongside other players.

Partake in battles only available for a limited time.


Bosses are nightmares that appear at the end of each stage.

Players must defeat the boss to advance to a new stage.

Participation Rewards[]

Rewards are earned upon completing certain stories.

Tap and hold details to see participation rewards.

Difficulty Levels[]

The following difficulty levels are available in the main story (Story Mode).

The initial difficulty of the game.

Available upon completing Chapter 5 on Normal.

Hard mode makes the game more difficult, however you'll earn greater rewards.

Co-Op Battle[]

Co-Op Battle features players fighting together in the same story.

In order to join another player in their stage, you must spend the required AP.

A maximum of five players can join the same story.
Battling with friends or guild members earns you special rewards, as well as friend medals that can be traded in.
Note: Up to three friend medals can be obtained per day.
Note: Royal Users can obtain a maximum of five medals per day. To learn more about Royal User Service, check the Royal User Service page from the Shop.

◆Restrictions on Co-Op Battle

You cannot join a co-op battle story in the following situations:

-When the battle has reached its final wave.
-When a story has already ended.
-When a non-bot player is knocked out.
-When a story has less than one hour remaining.
-When a battle is paused in some events.

Co-Op Battle Settings[]

To set restrictions on who can join your story, go to co-op settings in the bottom right of the story main menu.
The following restriction settings are available for co-op battles:

No restrictions on who can join you.

◆Friends Only
Only friends can join you.

◆Guild Members Only
Only members of the same guild can join you.

◆Selected Friends Only
Only selected friends can join you.

◆Friends and Guild Members Only
Only friends and members of the same guild can join you.


AP is necessary to play through the story.
The higher your rank, the more AP you can hold.
Spend the required amount of AP to go on a story adventure.
AP can be recovered in the following ways:

-Every three minutes 1 AP is automatically recovered.
-AP is fully recovered each time your rank goes up.
-AP is fully recovered when you use twilight crystals.
-Some AP is recovered each time you defeat a nightmare during purification.

You can recover up to triple the amount of your maximum AP.

Note: When your maximum AP is recovered, AP will not recover automatically for a period of time.

Story Skills[]

Story skills are an exclusive skill to weapons that are only activated in a story.

One type of story skill can be set per weapon.
-You cannot use colosseum skills or colosseum support skills in a story.
-For weapon skills of the same name with differing SP, the skill with the greatest SP will enjoy a greater effect.

Limit Break Skill (Tale)[]

This is a limit break skill that activates while playing the story. You can activate it by equipping the weapon and setting it for the limit break skill.

Note: Tale limit break skills will not activate at the Colosseum.


Enemy nightmares have four types of affinity: fire, water, wind, or neutral.

Water is effective against fire affinity nightmares, while wind is ineffective.

Wind is effective against water affinity nightmares, while fire is ineffective.

Fire is effective against wind affinity nightmares, while water is ineffective.

Neutral nightmares have no affinity, so they have no resistances or weaknesses.

Combos (Story)[]

After one player attacks, other players can attack to chain together a combo. The more combos, the greater the combo bonus, and the more damage you inflict.

Note: Consecutive attacks by the same player will not affect the number of combos or combo bonuses.
Note: Remember that combos revert to zero after each verse.

Summoning Nightmares[]

This is a powerful command that can only be issued once by each player during a battle.

To summon a nightmare, you must have one equipped.
Nightmares require time to charge before being summoned, and their effects will last for a certain period of time after being summoned. During these times, other co-op members cannot summon their own nightmares in the same battle.

Only one nightmare can be summoned by a player while in a battle, even if they have multiple types of nightmares equipped.

Lastly, once a player activates a summon skill, no other players can use a skill of the same type in that battle.

Note: For summon skills of the same name, the effectiveness of the skill will be the same regardless of its SP cost.

KOs (Story)[]

This is what happens when a player's HP reaches zero.

Recovery skills cannot be used to revive players who are knocked out in the story. If a player is knocked out they must either wait until the story ends or choose to quit.

Note: If all members are defeated, a continue can be used to revive them with twilight crystals.

Guerrilla Events[]

Guerrilla Events take place every day during the following schedule. There are two types of guerrilla events. Here you can earn even more weapon and armor upgrade materials compared to the story.

10:30 to 11:00
12:30 to 01:00
14:30 to 15:00
16:30 to 17:00
18:30 to 19:00
20:30 to 21:00
22:30 to 23:00
00:30 to 01:00
02:30 to 03:00

Note: All timezones are displayed in UTC+0.

Skip Ticket[]

A skip ticket is an item that allows you to skip a stage battle while consuming AP.

◆ Rewards Earned when Used
-Participation rewards
-Class Mastery (75 pts.)
-Nightmare drop rewards
Note: Drop rewards vary on drop rates.

◆Types of Skip Tickets
-There are two types of skip tickets. Skip Ticket (Royal) and Skip Ticket (Ⅰ~Ⅻ)
-Skip Ticket (Royal) can be used in combination with blessings.
-Skip Ticket (Ⅰ~Ⅻ) will void all blessing effects even when currently in use.
Skip Ticket (Ⅰ~Ⅻ) have an expiry date.

◆ Usage Restrictions

-Cannot be used on stages with incomplete story missions.
-Cannot be used on some stages.
-Limited to 10 tickets used at a time.

-Tickets with an expiration date and tickets without an expiration date cannot be used at the same time.


Purification Overview[]

Purification refers to defeating nightmares who roam the Library in order to absorb their blood (AP).

This gives players AP needed to play through the story and EXP necessary to increase their rank.

-Players are able to purify without restriction before Rank 50. Purify the Library whenever you are low on AP.
-After Rank 51, you can purify once every 8 hours.
-You can recover up to triple the amount of your maximum AP.

Special Attacks[]

A special attack can be used during purification after defeating a certain number of nightmares.
Special attacks eliminate all the nightmares on-screen, so use them wisely.

◆Tip to Fill Your Gauge
Attack nightmares of the same affinity consecutively to increase combos and fill the gauge faster.

Purification Tickets[]

One purification ticket enables players to purify at any time.

You can earn purification tickets by completing daily missions and as rewards from each event.



A guild is a community of players, with one player acting as guild master.

Guilds can compete every day in the Colosseum and work together to achieve victory in the Gran Colosseum.

Guilds can also partake in co-op guild events and strategy events where guilds can join forces with others.

Note: Guilds are unlocked upon completing Act of Impulse, Chapter 1: Verse 10.

Guild Master[]

The guild master is in charge of assigning roles, managing members, and deciding how the guild should function.

-Guild Master
The guild master either created the guild or was given the role by the previous guild master.

Another management role which has certain privileges.

Guild Master Privileges[]

The guild master has the privilege to perform the following:

-Appoint members to roles within the guild.
-Approve or deny requests to join the guild.
-Change the guild's name.
-Configure guild settings.

Guild Level[]

An indication of the guild's strength.

Acquiring lifeforce increases the guild's level as well as guildship HP.


Lifeforce is what characters gather to revive their authors.

Lifeforce is also used to determine the winner in the Colosseum.

Acquiring a certain amount of lifeforce raises a guild's level.

Only lifeforce acquired from your own guild's attacks counts toward guild level. Lifeforce acquired from taking down an enemy guildship during skirmish time or any lifeforce lost when one's own guildship is taken down during resurrection time does not count.

Note: Total lifeforce is displayed on the Colosseum results screen. This includes lifeforce gained and lost during skirmish time.

Guild Rank[]

There are five guild ranks: S, A, B, C, and D.

All guilds start at Rank D.
Guilds advance to Rank C after five victories.

Thereafter, guilds are promoted every five victories and demoted every five defeats.
-Four victories and four defeats is called a deuce. In a deuce situation, two consecutive victories will earn promotion and two consecutive defeats will send your guild down a rank.
-If a guild goes to deuce at Rank D, a fifth victory will raise the guild's rank, while two consecutive defeats will reset the victory count.
-If a guild at Rank S achieves four victories and four defeats, this does not trigger a deuce situation. Instead, a fifth victory will cause the victory count to be reset, while a fifth defeat will cause the guild to be demoted to Rank A.

There is no rank above Rank S, so guilds at Rank S cannot be promoted any further.
Similarly, guilds cannot go below Rank D.

Guilds will be matched against opponents in the Colosseum based on their guild rank and overall rank.

Victory and defeat rewards change depending on guild rank.
Note: See the rewards section for details on Colosseum rewards.

Changing Your Guild Name[]

Only the player designated as guild master can change the guild's name.

This can be done from the guild menu.

Joining a Guild[]

Joining a new guild can be done in the following ways:

◆Requesting to Join
You can join a guild once the guild master approves your request.
You can immediately join a guild if that guild has their settings set to automatically approve requests.

◆Receiving an Invitation
You can accept a guild invite that was delivered to your inbox.

-A guild master cannot move guilds. Instead, the guild master must transfer their role to another member or disband the guild before moving.
-After joining a new guild, you cannot enter the Colosseum until 05:00 a.m. (UTC+0).


Select Invite to Join from the profile page of the player you wish to invite.

There may be times when players cannot join or leave guilds, such as before and during the Colosseum, or other special events.

-A guild master cannot accept invites from other guilds. Instead, the guild master must transfer their role to another member or disband the guild before they can accept.
-After joining a new guild, you cannot enter the Colosseum until 05:00 a.m. (UTC+0).

Guild Management[]

◆Expelling Members
Guild masters and submasters can expel a member from the guild menu.

◆Leaving a Guild
Tap List at the top of the guild menu and select Leave to leave the guild.

Note: Guild masters must first transfer their role to another member before they can leave a guild.

◆Disbanding a Guild
Guilds with two or more members cannot be disbanded.
Tap List at the top of the guild menu and choose Disband to disband the guild.

Changing Guild Approval[]

Guild masters and submasters can determine whether approval is needed for new members to join or whether they are automatically approved.

When using automatic approval, approval from the guild master or submaster is not required for members to join.

Country Flag/Language[]

You can set a country flag and language to the guild.
Note: Changes can only be made by the player with master privileges.

◆Country Flag
Flags can be chosen freely regardless of your home country.

◆ Guild Language
This is the language used to communicate within the guild.
Other languages can be sent in the chat, however, please use the language that is set to communicate with all guild members.

Guildship Revamp[]

You can change the appearance of your guildship shown at the Colosseum and the guild page. The guildship is divided unto three parts: the superstructure, hull, and lantern. Their parts can be modified freely. To modify your ship, tap Revamp on the guild screen, then purchase the parts you desire.

Part Effects Adding new parts to your guildship will increase its HP. Note: Some part available as event rewards may not increase ship HP.

Guildship Pts. Guildship points are required to purchase parts. Points can be earned as Colosseum rewards. Note: Guildship points are only awarded to guilds.

Revamp Authority Guild masters and sub guild masters have the authority to buy parts and modify the guildship. Other members can also take this role if appointed to do so. Note: Members who are given the right to revamp and purchase guildship parts cannot hold other positions. If the role of guild master or sub guild master is transferred to a member with revamp authority, their authority will be removed and appointed to their new position.

When to Revamp and Purchase Parts Revamping and part purchasing can be done up to 30 minutes before the start of your guild's Colosseum time.

Transferring Parts and Guildship Pts. Guild masters who disband their guild for the first time only will have the option to transfer parts and guildship points from the disbanded guild to the new guild. Note: Parts and guildship points cannot be transferred if the guild master joins a new guild instead of creating a new one.

The Colosseum[]

The Colosseum[]

The Colosseum is where two guilds go head-to-head, featuring up to 15 players per guild.
One battle takes 20 minutes, and the guild that obtains the most lifeforce wins.

Winning in the Colosseum awards you nightmare EXP materials, charm medals, and more.
The Colosseum opens once per day at the time specified by your guild.
Your main gear set is used in the Colosseum.
Some rewards can be obtained simply by participating in the Colosseum, so don't hesitate to enter.
Note: Changes to your main gear must be made within 30 minutes of your guild's Colosseum time setting.

How to Enter the Colosseum[]

The Colosseum opens at a specific time of day.
The guild master can chose one of the following timezones.

-Time Slot 1 15:00
-Time Slot 2 17:00
-Time Slot 3 19:00
-Time Slot 4 20:00
-Time Slot 5 21:00
-Time Slot 6 23:00
-Time Slot 7 01:00
-Time Slot 8 02:00
-Time Slot 9 03:00
-Time Slot 10 04:00
-Time Slot 11 12:00
-Time Slot 12 13:00
-Time Slot 13 14:00

Note: All timezones are displayed in UTC+0.

You cannot leave your guild or move to another guild when the Colosseum is open.

After joining a new guild, you cannot enter the Colosseum until 05:00 a.m. (UTC+0).

How to Battle[]

Knowing when to position yourself at the vanguard or in the rearguard is key to putting your guild on the path to victory.

Manage your SP consumption while using skills and summoning nightmares to efficiently steal the enemy's lifeforce.

Even if your side is weaker, you can still win with good teamwork. Coordinate with many allies to achieve victory.

You can also play in auto mode, so there's no reason not to join in the Colosseum.
If you run out of SP while playing in auto mode, your status will change to “Awaiting Recovery”. After a certain amount of time, all your SP will be fully recovered.
-If you turn off auto mode while waiting for recovery, no SP will be recovered.
-Remember, the methods for recovering SP in the story and Colosseum are different.

Vanguard and Rearguard[]

The vanguard is made up of the five guild members whose gear set has the highest overall rating. Their role is mainly to damage the enemy and steal lifeforce.

The rear is made up of guild members whose gear sets are rated 6th or lower. Their role is mainly to support characters in the front.

Rearguard Preferred[]

Choosing this option will place you in the rear during the Colosseum regardless of your gear set.

Note: If too many players choose the rear, and the five positions in the front are not filled, players with the highest gear set rating will be moved to the front regardless of their preferred position.
Note: If a guild has five or fewer members, all will fight in the front.

Vanguard Roles[]

When the HP of all vanguard enemies reaches zero, your guild enters Skirmish Time. This is when you can steal the most lifeforce.

Time the activation of any skills by characters in the front carefully to make it harder for the opponent to recover. Keep an eye on the timing of SP recovery and have multiple characters attack at once.
Summoning nightmares improves your attack strength, greatly increasing damage dealt and subsequently any lifeforce you gain. Manage your SP carefully to incorporate summoning nightmares into your strategy.

ATK is key to winning, so prioritize ATK and damage when equipping colosseum support skills.

Rearguard Roles[]

There are two basic rearguard roles.
Both roles involve supporting allies as they work towards their own skirmish time and preventing the enemy from entering theirs.

◆Supporting Allies
Support allies by restoring their HP and giving them buffs.

◆Debuffing Enemies
Debuff vanguard enemies.

Colosseum support skills for the rearguard include recovery skills and skills that add or remove status effects. Think about which to focus on when considering gear.

Combos (Colosseum)[]

After one guild member attacks, others can attack to form combos. The more combos, the greater the combo bonus and the more damage you inflict.

Note: Consecutive attacks performed by the same player will not increase the number of combos or combo bonuses.

Skill Slots[]

Skill slots are filled with five random skill-possessing weapons from your main gear.
Select any weapon in the slots to use its skill.

Once a skill has been used, the player must wait for that weapon to appear in a slot again to reuse its skill.
When a weapon is removed from a slot, a new weapon that has not been used will replace it.
If all weapons in the deck have been used, SP can be spent to refill the slots with new weapons.

Activating Skills[]

Skills are activated when attacking with a weapon that possesses a unique skill.

Weapon skills use SP.
They can turn the tide of battle, so it's important to use them wisely.

Colosseum Skills[]

◆Colosseum Skills
These are weapon skills assigned to skill slots.
They can be offensive, recovery, or other types of skills.

-Story skills cannot be used in the Colosseum.
-For weapon skills of the same name with differing SP, the skill with the greatest SP will enjoy a greater effect.

Colosseum Support Skill[]

◆Colosseum Support Skill
When added to your deck, this skill takes effect automatically.
It is triggered under certain conditions at a certain rate.
If weapons possessing the same skill are also in your deck, the effect will be triggered at the same time.
Colosseum support skills greatly influence damage and recovery amounts, so upgrade your weapons frequently.

Note: Story skills cannot be used in the Colosseum.

Limit Break Skill (Duel)[]

This is a limit break skill that activates while playing at the Colosseum.
You can activate it by equipping the weapon the your deck and set it for the limit break skill.

-Duel limit break skills will not activate in the story.
-If you change decks during the Colosseum, the limit break skill from the previous deck will not carry over. A limit break skill will not activate if it is not equipped and and set for that deck.

Summoning Nightmares[]

This is a powerful command that can only be activated once by each player while in the Colosseum.

To summon a nightmare, you must have one equipped.
Nightmares require time to charge before being summoned, and their effects will last for a certain period of time after being summoned. During these times, other members of the guild cannot summon their own nightmares.

Each player can only summon one nightmare while in the Colosseum, regardless if they have multiple types of nightmares equipped.

Lastly, once a player activates a summon skill, no other players in the same guild can use a skill of the same type in that battle.

-For summon skills of the same name, the effectiveness of the skill will be the same regardless of its SP cost.
-Nightmares cannot be summoned if another guild member is summoning or charging their own nightmare.


This is the player's stamina.

It is reduced when taking damage from enemies. If it reaches zero, the player is knocked out.

KOs (Colosseum)[]

A player is knocked out when their HP is reduced to zero.

While in the Colosseum, the revive command can be used to recover from this status.

Other player's recovery skills can also be used to restore HP.

The enemy receives maximum lifeforce if all allies in the front row are knocked out, so try to revive any fallen allies as quickly as possible.

Skirmish Time[]

The guild that eliminates the enemy's vanguard will enter Skirmish Time.

During this time, you can attack the enemy guildship.

When the enemy guildship's HP reaches zero, it is downed, and you can steal some of the enemy guild's lifeforce.
Players receive rewards for successful skirmishes after leaving the Colosseum.

Guildship HP[]

The higher your guild's level, the higher your guildship's HP.

Skirmish time is successful when the enemy guildship's HP reaches zero.

Resurrection Time[]

The guild whose vanguard is eliminated will enter Resurrection Time.

Try to revive characters in your vanguard to shorten the enemy's skirmish time.
Revive is the only command available during resurrection time.

Resurrection time will continue for a set amount of time even if all vanguard players are revived before it ends.

Once in resurrection time, a guild's status lowered in the Colosseum will return to normal regardless of the state of their guildship.

SP Recovery Area[]

Unlike in the story, you must manually restore SP.

Head to the SP recovery area to recover SP when it gets low.
Defeating enemies in the SP recovery area supplies different amounts of SP depending on the type of enemy.

Special attacks greatly increase the amount of SP recovered, so use them when you can.

Summoning Demons[]

Demons appear in the Colosseum on a whim and can turn the tide of battle.
If you manage to summon one, they can provide very powerful effects.

To summon a demon, all guild members must use weapons of the required skill type a certain number of times within a given amount of time.

Demons will only befriend one of the guilds in battle, so you must be quick to fulfill the summoning requirements before the opposing guild does.

If your guild enters skirmish time after summoning a demon, its effects will disappear.

If too much time elapses before you meet its summoning conditions, the demon will disappear.

You can check demon summon details in advance by tapping the demon summon details on the Colosseum event screen. Use this to get ready for the Colosseum.

Attacking from Rearguard[]

All damage-based skills used from the rearguard incur a 90% damage penalty, regardless of class.
Other types of skills can be used from any position.

Critical Hits[]

Every attack against the enemy has a chance of doing critical damage.

Critical hits have the power to knock out an enemy with a single strike.

Guild Rankings[]

The rank you see on the guild menu and the rank you see on the ranking page are totally unrelated.

The rank you see on the guild menu is based on victories and losses in the Colosseum, and is mainly used for matching with other guilds.

The rank you see on the ranking page, on the other hand, is calculated based on victories, losses, and the amount of lifeforce earned.


Participation Rewards
-You can only receive these when you personally participate.

Skirmish Rewards
-You can receive these if the enemy guildship's HP reaches zero at any point.
-You can receive these even if you don't personally participate.

Victory and Defeat Rewards
-You can receive these even if you don't participate, as long as at least 1 person did.

Note: You cannot join the Colosseum on the day you join a new guild.
Consequently, you will be ineligible to receive any Colosseum rewards for the duration of that day.

Gladiator Medal[]

Players can earn gladiator medals based on the total number of selected weapons used and guildship attacks per Colosseum battle. One gladiator medal is rewarded every three times. 50 medals maximum can be earned per battle. Rewards will be sent to the player's present box after finishing the Colosseum.

These medals can be traded for Colosseum grimoire tickets and other items at the medal exchange.



Characters can have various classes.
Leveling up in each class will help you advance in the game.

You can acquire skills that help you master the different classes.
Skills can be either common or class-specific.

◆Common Skills
These skills can be used regardless of class. They include additional HP, stats, and so on.

◆Class-Specific Skills
These skills can only be used by specific classes. They include skills that boost weapon effects in certain areas, for example.

Classes can be mastered even if they are not currently in use, so try to improve multiple classes to maximize your strength.

Leveling Up Classes[]

Classes have levels, and a certain amount of mastery is required to raise a level.
Leveling up a class unlocks new skills for that class.

Classes can reach up to level 10, however, it is possible to limit break by using a class arcana.

Class Mastery[]

Mastery is used to level up classes.

You can earn mastery by using SP in the story or the Colosseum.
You can also use mastery items such as the Book of Opportunity, Book of Destruction, Book of Crisis, and Book of Completion.
Note: You do not earn mastery when using SP for summon skills.

In order to become more powerful, you must allocate your earned mastery to strengthen your classes.


To limit break a class, you need special items called Arcana.

Unique arcana exists for each class and stage of a limit break. Arcana can be acquired in the medal exchange and other locations.

Limit breaking a class removes the level cap and unlocks new class skills.

Change Outfits[]

Some classes allow you to change your character's outfit.
Classes which allow you to change outfits can be changed into from the Edit Gear screen.
Changing outfits like this will let you play through the story and colosseum with the appearance of the class you selected.

Selecting a class to be displayed on the Home screen can be done using the Change Class button, whether selecting a class that allows you to Change Outfits or another class.

◆ Time Required to Display New Outfit
For outfit changes to display in the Colosseum, the change must be set at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the Colosseum.
Outfits will not display if settings were changed under 30 minutes prior.

Class Awakening[]

Awakening a class unlocks a class awakened skill.

To awaken classes, a special item called "awakening arcana" is required.
Each class you want to awaken has its own unique awakening arcana that can be obtained from locations such as the medal exchange.

Class awakened skills increase each stat of your equipped gear set (e.g. Increases main gear weapon's total M.ATK by 3%, etc.)

Furthermore, class awakened skills are always active even if the class that has the awakened skill is not set to the gear set. The effects will also stack if multiple class awakened skills are unlocked.
We recommend you awaken various classes to enhance your CP.

Note: To view how much your stats increase through class awakened skills, go to Edit Gear Set > Weapon > Main Gear and tap the Total Value button at the bottom of the screen to display the parameters of your main gear weapon. Be sure to make use of this feature when going into battle.

Player Character Image Change[]

You can change the appearance of your character as shown during the Story, Colosseum, and Purification, as well as on the Profile Screen.
Your player character's appearance can be changed to that of any class that has the same specialty weapon type as their base class.
Changing the character's appearance will also change their voice.

-Status and Class Skills will be those of the base class.
-Some stories will reset your player character's appearance.

◆Base Classes
'Base Class' refers to the class from which your character derives the status and class skills actually utilized in the story and colosseum, etc.
Even after changing your appearance, the icon for your base class will appear under Gear Sets, on the colosseum members list, and on the chat screen.
Not only that, but if you've changed your character's appearance, a mask icon will appear on the colosseum members list and Edit Gear screen to indicate this.

When you change your character's appearance, the following aspects of their base job will be active:
-Class Skills
-Character's Area Special

◆Time Required for Appearance Change to Take Effect
For appearance changes to display in the Colosseum, the change must be set at least 30 minutes prior to the start of battle.
Appearance will not be changed if settings were changed less than 30 minutes prior.



Equipping weapons raises your ability stats.

Weapons have the following attributes:

Weapons are aligned with either Fire, Water, or Wind, which in turn impacts a weapon's skill.

From highest to lowest: L, SR, S, A, B, and C.
The higher the rarity, the higher the weapon's stats and cost, and the more powerful its skills.

Each weapon in your deck has a cost, and each deck has a cost limit.

◆Weapon Level
Upgrading a weapon increases its level.
A weapon's stats improve as it levels up.

◆Weapon Skills
There are three types of Weapon skills: Colosseum skills, Story skills, and Colosseum support skills.

You cannot use multiple weapons of the same type in a single set. (This applies to weapons both before and after evolution).

Weapon Type[]

There are eight weapon types.

-Blades use P.ATK (physical attack) skills.

-Projectile weapons use M.ATK (magic attack) skills.

-Heavy weapons use P.ATK (physical attack) skills.

-Polearms use M.ATK (magic attack) skills.

-Staffs use recovery skills.

-Tomes debuff the enemy.

-Artifacts use M.ATK (magic attack) skills.

-Instruments buff allies.

Classes and Weapons[]

Classes are divided into offensive and support classes, each with different types of weapons they can equip.

◇ Offensive Classes (Vanguard)

◇ Equippable Weapon Types
Blade / Projectile / Heavy / Polearm

◇ Support Classes (Rearguard)

◇ Equippable Weapon Types
Staff / Tome / Artifact / Instrument

Note: Any type of weapon can be used in your sub-gear set.


Equipping armor raises your ability stats.
Armor has the following attributes:

◆ Rarity
From highest to lowest, L -> SR -> S -> A -> B -> and C.
The higher the rarity, the better the armor's stats and the more powerful its skills.

◆ Armor Level
Upgrading armor increases its level.
Armor's stats improve as it levels up.

◆ Armor Skills
Armor skills have story support skills and activate automatically when equipped.

◆ Set Effects
Equipping certain combinations of armor can produce special effects solely with damage skills (only those from blade, projectile, heavy, polearm, or artifact weapons).


Equipping nightmares raises your ability stats.
Nightmares have the following stats:

◆ Rarity
From highest to lowest, L -> SR -> S - > A -> B -> and C.
The higher the rarity, the better a nightmare's stats and the more powerful its skills.

◆ Nightmare Level
Upgrading nightmares increases their level.
A Nightmare's stats improve as it levels up.

◆ Skills
Nightmares have two types of skills: Colosseum skills and Story skills.
A nightmare's skills can turn the tide of battle, so make sure to use them when you can.

Note: Multiple nightmares of the same type cannot be used in a single set. (Applies to nightmare types before and after evolution.)

Sub-Gear Set[]

Your sub-gear boosts your overall rating, that isn't part of your main set.

The choice of gear to add to your sub-gear set is not restricted by your current class. However, multiple weapons of the same type cannot be equipped in the same sub-gear set. (This applies to weapon types before and after evolution).

Note: Armor of the same name can be equipped only if the skill effects are different (such as blade and heavy).

Only 10% of your sub-gear set rating is applied to your overall rating.
Skills attached to sub-gear sets cannot be used.

Limit Break Skill[]

Limit break skills are skills that can be unlocked through limit breaking certain weapons with this skill.
Once the skill is unlocked and the weapon equipped to your deck, you can select it to automatically activate its skill while your playing the story or at the Colosseum.

-Activating Limit break Skills
You can activate limit break skills by doing the following:
1. Equip a weapon with an unlocked limit break skill.
2. Select the weapon/skill you want to activate from the limit break skill selection.

Note: Skill level and effect will increase based on the weapon's limit break stage.

Support Class[]

The support class is a feature that allows you to equip other classes as gear.

When equipping a class as a support class, each equipped support class will grant an extra 100 HP and will also grant you support skills unlocked by that support class.

This feature is available to players who've reached 80,000 points.

-There is no support class slot for sub gear.
-You cannot set your base class as a support class.

Improving Gear[]

Upgrading Gear[]

Fuse gear of the same type to upgrade it.

By fusing gear, you can either upgrade or limit break it.

Upgrading requires two pieces of gear: one piece as the base and one piece as the upgrade material.
The gear to be upgraded is called the base, and the gear to fuse with it is called material.

The gear selected as material disappears after fusion.
After upgrading, you may receive charm medals depending on the material used.

Base Gear[]

The gear to be upgraded is called the base.

Combining it with material grants EXP and increases its level.
Combine it with gear of the same name to limit break it and increase its maximum level.

Gear Materials[]

Gear to be fused with the base gear is called material.

The gear selected as material will disappear afterwards.
Materials can be selected automatically for easier upgrading.

Limit Break[]

Fuse weapons or nightmares of the same name to increase their level.

Limit breaking is only possible when you have two or more weapons or nightmares of the same name.
Limit breaking a weapon or nightmare raises its maximum level by five (or 10 for weapons and nightmares of rarity L).
If the material has already been limit broken, then the number of limit breaks for the base and material are combined.

A single weapon or nightmare can undergo, at most, four limit breaks. Further limit breaks are not possible even if you use more same name weapons, nightmares, or limit break material.

Skill Levels[]

Each weapon or armor can have a max of three skills.

Each skill has a skill level, and the higher the level, the more powerful its effects.

The maximum level for story skills, story support skills, colosseum skill, and colosseum support skills is 15. (With limit break, the maximum level of a weapon can be increased to 20).
Using weapons and armor with skills of a higher level than the base as material provides slightly more EXP.
Weapons and armor whose level is maxed out can still be upgraded if their skill level is not yet maxed.
You can use upgrade materials to better upgrade your skill level. For weapons: story gem, colosseum gem, and colosseum support gem. For armor: story support gem.
Skill level is a good indication of a skill's effectiveness, so make sure to level up any skills you use often.

Upgrade Materials[]

This refers to materials used exclusively for upgrading. They make it easier to increase a piece of gear's level.

You cannot receive medals for upgrading with standard upgrade materials.

Upgrade materials for gear are labeled as "For Upgrades" or "For Skill Upgrades."
The higher the upgrade material's rarity, the greater the amount of EXP received.

Upgrade materials can be earned from missions, and events such as guerrilla events.

Evolving Gear[]

You can evolve a piece of gear by first collecting evolution materials, then raising the gear to its maximum level (without limit breaks).

Evolving gear raises its rarity by 1 rank and makes it more powerful overall.
Limit Breaks carry over to new gear after being evolved.

Note: Once evolved, the gear's level resets to Lv. 1.

Customize Gear[]

A feature that works on the Shell Weapons you can earn during some Conquest Events.
By evolving your Shell Weapons, you'll be able to customize them.

◆Customizing Parameters
Using cores as your materials, you'll be able to raise the parameters on your shell weapons even higher. Raise them to the max and your weapon will get a new look, shining with light during battles.

◆Customizing Skills
Using certain cores, you'll be able to change your shell weapons' skills.

Upgrade Character[]

Upgrade Character Summary[]

This feature allows you to strengthen your characters by unlocking "soul seals" that extend from the character board.

These soul seals can be unlocked using "lifeforce materials" acquired at the Colosseum and other events.

Unlocking soul seals will grant a variety of effects for each character.

Character Board[]

One character board exists per character.
Acquiring at least one of the target class will unlock its board.

You can choose one of four routes on the board. Each route offers different parameter boosts.
1. Balance Route
2. Physical Upgrade Route
3. Magic Upgrade Route
4. Mega Upgrade Route

Notes: In order to unlock soul seals from the physical and magic upgrade routes, the following conditions must be met:
-Gear set total points must reach 110,000
-Unlocked two or more HP+ soul seals

Note: In order to unlock soul seals from the mega upgrade route, the following conditions must be met:
-Gear set total points must reach 160,000
-Unlocked rift of atonement
-Have unlocked six or more HP+ soul seals

Unlockable Soul Seals Limit[]

The number of unlockable soul seals is capped for each character.
The amount of remaining unlockable soul seals is indicated by "Unlockable Soul Seals" according to the current number of classes unlocked.

You can increase the amount of unlockable soul seals through the following ways:
-Acquiring a class
10 additional unlockable soul seals are granted for each acquired class for the corresponding character.

-Using a zenith bookmark
2 additional unlockable soul seals are granted for each zenith bookmark used.

You can earn zenith bookmarks from Zenith Bookmark Monthly Missions and Colosseum Monthly Participation Bonuses.

Rift of Atonement[]

The rift of atonement is an entity that blocks the route of soul seals on each character board.
You can unlock these using a purify book specific to that character.

Note: Eg. Alice's rift of atonement can be unlocked by using Purify Book (Alice).

Note: Purify books for each character can be acquired from main missions.

Special Soul Seals[]

◆Locked Soul Seal
A soul seal with a lock attached.
After the required mission is completed, these soul seals can be unlocked the same way as a regular soul seal.

You can view the unlock requirement by tapping it.

◆Shrouded Soul Seal
Soul seals with a "?" on them allow you to choose the effect they give once unlocked.
You can change the desired effect again later by using twilight crystals.



You can keep items such as weapons, armors, and nightmares in your storage.

You can either place your items in hand in your storage or directly transfer items from the present box into your storage.

Items in storage can be sold but cannot be equipped, upgraded, limit broken, or evolved.
They are not displayed as materials either.

◆Unlocking Storage
Storage is unlocked when Chapter 2 of the Impulse Act is cleared in normal mode.

◆Storage Capacity
This refers to the maximum capacity of your storage.
There are three types of storage.
-Weapon storage
-Armor storage
-Nightmare storage

Weapon and Class Stories[]

Weapon and Class Stories[]

Every weapon has a unique weapon story and every class has a special class story.

◆ How to View Weapon Stories
1) Press and hold the weapon's icon.
2) The weapon's details will be displayed.
3) Press the story button located in the upper right.

◆ How to View Class Stories
1) Press and hold the class icon.
2) The class' info will be displayed.
3) Press the story button located in the upper right.

◆ How to View Main Set Class Stories
1) Tap outside of any button on the home screen.
2) The class story button will appear in the bottom right.
3) Tap story to view.

Interactive Features[]


Here players can interact with each other by viewing and posting to the board.

Board categories include free chat, recruit, and strategy guide. Players can create threads under each category and respond to them by leaving comments.

◆ Creating a Thread
Tap Create to start a new thread.
Choose a category and language for the thread. After including a title and writing the content, tap Create to post.

◆ Thread Search
To search for a thread, tap search at the top right of the board page.
After entering a keyword, tap search.
Note: You can search for threads including keywords.


Friends are players whom you follow.

At first you can follow no more than 50 people.
When your rank increases, so does the number of people you can follow.
Having more friends can help in many ways, so try to make as many as you can.

◆ How to Follow
This is done from a player's profile page.
Search by ID to find a specific player.

◆ Unfollowing Friends
Friends can be unfollowed by removing them from the list of players you are following.

◆ After Becoming Friends
-Your friends can aid you in your story by joining you in co-op battles.
-Playing with friends in co-op earns rewards and friend medals that can be exchanged.
Note: You can earn, at most, three friend medals per day.

◆ Blocking
Blocking players has the following effects:
-You and the other player can no longer have private chats with one another.
-You and the other player can no longer follow each other.
-If you are already following one another, you will unfollow each other.

Blocking a player will not prevent you from being able to communicate in group and guild chats.


Tap the chat button in the bottom right to chat.

Here you can communicate with other players by sending messages and stickers.

◆ Guild Chat
This is where guild members can chat with each other.

◆ Group Chat
This is where players can set up their own space to chat.

◆ Private Chat
This is where you can have one-on-one chats with other players.

Please be aware that messages and stickers sent 30 days prior will no longer display.



This is one way of measuring a player's strength.

You can increase your rank by earning EXP in the story or through purification.

Increasing your rank raises your maximum AP, weapon gear cost, maximum HP, and sub-gear capacity.

Overall Player Ratings[]

Overall rating is the sum of the P.ATK, P.DEF, M.ATK, and M.DEF of the weapons, armor, and nightmares in your deck.

The higher the P.ATK and M.ATK, the more damage dealt to enemies.
The higher the P.DEF and M.DEF, the less damage taken from enemies.

Strengthen your weapons, armor, and nightmares in order to increase your overall rating.

Country Flag[]

You can set any country flag regardless of your home country.


Twilight Crystals[]

Twilight crystals are an in-game currency.

They are used to buy gear at grimoires and to recover AP

If you failed to purchase twilight crystals, please reset the app.


Present Box[]

Your present box contains various rewards or items that have been sent to you.

Items inside your present box cannot be used until you’ve claim them.

-You have 90 days after receiving an item in your present box to accept the item.
-There is no expiration date for twilight crystals or any items received from grimoires.

Login Bonus[]

This is a bonus you receive the first time you open the game and access the home screen each day.

The bonus resets at 5:00 a.m. (UTC +0).

Make sure to log in every day so you never miss one.


This is an in-game currency used to upgrade and limit break gear.

It is acquired as a reward in the story and colosseum, as well as when selling gear.

The modest sack acquired in the story is especially lucrative as a trade-in item.

The maximum amount of gold you can carry is 99,999,999. Any gold earned over that amount will not be counted.

Misc. Items[]

Up to 99,999,999 held items can be viewed on the Misc. tab of View/Sell.

Please be aware that item amounts earned beyond that will be lost.

Medal Exchange[]

Medal Exchange[]

You can exchange medals and items at the Medal Exchange.

◆ Medals
Medals are obtained as Colosseum rewards, byproducts from grimoires, and at events.

◆ Held Items Status Display
The amount of held items and held class statuses are displayed.

◆ Limit Break Stages
The limit break stage of held weapons is displayed.
If you possess more than one of the same weapon, the one with the furthest limit break will be displayed, regardless of its evolution status.
