
Jobs are part of a specific class-based system in SINoALICE.


Jobs (or classes in Global) represent classes in SINoALICE, and are primarily obtained by pulling an associated S or SS/SR weapon in gacha. Different jobs have unique designs for each character in SINoALICE.


There are eight types of jobs that provide boosts for a specific weapon type.

Job Type Boosted Weapon Weapon Role
Breaker Sword Single-target physical damage
Crusher Hammer Multiple-target physical damage
Gunner Bow Single-target magical damage
Paladin Polearm Multiple-target magical damage
Sorcerer Book Debuff enemies
Minstrel Instrument Buff allies
Cleric Staff Heal allies
Mage Orb Multiple-target magical damage

Breaker, Crusher, Gunner, and Paladin jobs are DPS classes. Sorcerer, Minstrel, Cleric, and Mage jobs are support classes. DPS jobs can only equip DPS weapons (swords, hammers, bows, and polearms) while support jobs can only equip support weapons (books, instruments, staffs, and orbs.)

Breaker Crusher Gunner Paladin Sorcerer Minstrel Cleric Mage
Can Equip Swords, Hammer, Bows, Polearms Books, Instruments, Staffs, Orbs

Note that Mage jobs specialize in magical damage despite being a support class. However, Mage sees limited use in PvE due to the inability to equip physical weapons, and limited use in PvP since orbs do not contribute to demon bonuses in Colosseum.


Leveling up jobs provides global stats, damage bonuses, and character area bonuses. Damage and area bonuses only affect the weapon type that the job is associated with. By default, jobs can only be leveled up to level 10. The job's Lv.1 arcana is required to unlock levels 11-12, its Lv.2 arcana is required to unlock levels 13-14, and it's Lv.3 arcana is required to unlock levels 15-16. Arcana can be purchased from the medal exchange with desire medals obtained from gacha pulls, but only in the month they are featured. You can also purchase arcana with arcana medals that are only available through paid gem packs.

Lv.3 arcana were added to the JP server with the introduction of the Holy Spirits jobs series. Lv.3 arcana typically unlock support skills that provide stats or weapon boosts. Unlike common skills, support skills do not add to global stats, and the job with the unlocked support skill must be equipped to a grid before taking effect. This feature will likely take a long time to reach Global.

Class Mastery[]

Mastery points are used to level up jobs for global stats and damage bonuses. Mastery points are gained by using SP in story and by using mastery books. To exchange mastery books for points, visit the items section under menu, and click the button next to the books you have. Mastery cost is as follows:

Job Level Cost Total Cost from Lv. 1
Lv. 1 to Lv. 2 550 550
Lv. 2 to Lv. 3 1,100 1,650
Lv. 3 to Lv. 4 1,100 2,750
Lv. 4 to Lv. 5 1,100 3,850
Lv. 5 to Lv. 6 1,650 5,500
Lv. 6 to Lv. 7 2,750 8,250
Lv. 7 to Lv. 8 2,750 11,000
Lv. 8 to Lv. 9 5,500 16,500
Lv. 9 to Lv. 10 5,500 22,000
Lv. 10 to Lv. 11 11,000 33,000
Lv. 11 to Lv. 12 22,000 55,000
Lv. 12 to Lv. 13 46,200 101,200
Lv. 13 to Lv. 14 69,300 170,500
Lv. 14 to Lv. 15
Lv. 15 to Lv. 16

Note that job levels 13-14 and 15-16 will not be achievable in Global until Lv. 2 and Lv. 3 arcanas are made available.

Free vs Gacha Jobs[]

Default jobs for early generation characters are obtainable for free by completing story. Certain jobs can be bought in the medal exchange, and special collab events typically give away a main character from the collab source for free. Jobs from these sources generally have lower global stat bonuses than gacha jobs. A limited number of jobs are also available exclusively in paid gem packs and have higher global stats.

Job Series[]

Special job series have different damage bonuses and penalties compared to typical jobs. These are intended for use with grids of specific weapon types or elements. Note that some of these series present in the Japanese server will take time to be introduced in the Global server.


Half-Nightmare (HNM) jobs are special jobs used primarily in Colosseum. In Colosseum they provide a max damage boost of 35% for a single weapon type (or 15% for sorcerer and minstrel) compared to the 10% boost of a normal job. However, the additional boost comes at the cost of a 75% damage penalty for two other equippable weapon types, so the player must have an appropriate weapons grid before using HNM jobs.

HNM jobs are obtainable in the Gran Colosseum medal exchange. Gran Colosseum medals are obtained as Gran Colosseum rewards, with the highest placing guilds earning the most medals.

Sin Series[]

Sin jobs are special jobs used primarily for elemental grids in story. In story they provide a total damage boost of 40% for the associated weapon type of a single element, compared to the 10% for a weapon type in a normal job. In stages with the character's area boost, sin jobs will provide a total damage boost of 110% at Lv14 (or 80% at Lv10) while a normal job will provide a total boost of 70% at Lv14 (or 40-70% at Lv10). However, the additional boost comes at the cost of a 25% damage penalty for weapons that are the elemental weakness of the job, so the player must have an appropriate weapons grid before using Sin jobs.

Sin Half-Nightmare[]

Sin Half-Nightmare (Sin HNM) jobs are a combination of traits from the Sin and Half-Nightmare series. In Colosseum they provide a 20% boost for the associated weapon type of a single element, compared to the 10% boost of the associated weapon type in a normal job. In story they provide a 50% boost for the elemental weapon type, while normal jobs provide 10% boost for their weapon type. In stages with the character's area boost, they provide a 100% boost at Lv12 (95% at Lv 10), while normal jobs have a boost of 70% at Lv14 (or 40-70% at Lv 10). However, the additional boost comes at the cost of a 75% damage penalty for weapons of other elements, so the player must have an appropriate weapons grid of a single element before using Sin HNM jobs.

Sin HNM jobs are obtained by completing special anniversary events and guild raids.

Dorothy's Workshop[]

Dorothy's Workshop jobs are special jobs that provide damage bonuses to two different weapon types. These jobs provide a 10% Colosseum and story boost for their primary weapon type and a 5% Colosseum and story boost for their secondary weapon type. In stages with the character's area bonus, these jobs have a 60% damage boost for their primary weapon type and a 25% boost for their secondary weapon type at Lv14 (or 20% at Lv10).

Holy Spirits[]

Holy Spirits jobs are jobs with special support skills. Support skills are different from common skills in that they provide stats or weapon boosts only when the job is equipped to a grid. These skills are unlocked by raising job level with mastery points.

When fully limit broken, these jobs typically have support skills that raise HP, 2 types of stats, and increase the related weapon type's effectiveness by 2%. These jobs also have common skills that raise global stats and provide +2 equipment cost.

These jobs provide a 10% boost for the associated weapon type in Colosseum and story, and a 70% boost in stages with the character's area boost. These boosts are similar to normal job boosts.

Series Comparisons[]

The following is a summary of each series' advantages and disadvantages:

Series Boost Conditions Penalty Conditions
Half-nightmare A single weapon type is boosted in Colosseum Two other weapon types deal decreased damage
Sin A single weapon type of a single element is boosted in story Weapons of the elemental weakness deal decreased damage
Sin Half-nightmare A single weapon type of a single element is boosted in story,

and boosted slightly in Colosseum

All other elements deal decreased damage
Dorothy's Worshop A primary weapon type is boosted, and a

secondary weapon type is boosted slightly

Holy Spirits Provides support skill stats and weapon boosts only when

equipped to a grid as a support job


The following is a table of damage bonuses for typical jobs of each series:

Normal HNM Sin Sin HNM Dorothy's Workshop Holy Spirits
Bonus Bonus Bonus



(Elemental Weapon)


(Elemental Weapon)


(Primary Weapon)


(Secondary Weapon)

Colo Boost 10% 35% 15% 15% 20% 10% 5% 10%
Story Boost 10% 35% 15% 40% 50% 10% 5% 10%
Area Boost (Lv10) 40-70% 60% 60% 80% 95% 60% 20% 70%
Area Boost (Lv12) 40-70% 65% 65% 80% 100% 60% 25% 70%
Area Boost (Lv14) 60-70% 65% 65% 110% - 60% 25% 70%

The following is a table of damage penalties for typical jobs of each series:

Normal HNM Sin Sin HNM Doro's Workshop Holy Spirits
Penalty Target None 2 weapon types weak element all other elements None None
Penalty -0% -75% -25% -75% -0% -0%

Jobs List[]

For a complete list of jobs, see the SINoALICE Database:

Link banner

For a list of job stories on this Wiki, see the Job Stories page.
