
Gacha, or Grimoire in Global, is a method of obtaining weapons and SS/SR nightmares by drawing from banners. Twilight Crystals are the currency used for gacha pulls, and are mainly obtained by clearing story and event stages, reaching event milestones, and as Gran Colosseum rewards. Pulling certain S and SS/SR weapons will unlock jobs for specific characters.


A standard gacha pull requires Twilight Crystals:

  • A single pull costs 30 Twilight Crystals.
  • An 11-pull costs 300 Twilight Crystals.

Drop Rates[]

Rates for typical gacha banners are as follows:

Rarity Rate
SS/SR 3%
S 20%
A 77%

Boosted Drop Rates[]

It should be noted that there are additional circumstances in which the drop rates are boosted, including guaranteed SS/SR banners and step up banners with increased SS/SR rates.

Desire Medals[]

Desire Medals are earned by pulling from gacha. Players get 10 medals for each single pull and 100 medals for each 11-pull, with those medals expiring one week after the end of each month. Rate-up jobs, nightmares, and SS/SR weapons are obtainable from the medal shop for 1500 Desire Medals. Note that purchasing an SS/SR weapon associated with a job will not unlock the job, and will have to be purchased separately. Job arcana and character strengthening books are also available for purchase costing 500 Desire Medals each.

Typical items obtainable with desire medals each month include:

Item Cost
Rate-up Job 1500 Desire Medals
Rate-up Job (S) 800 Desire Medals
Rate-up Weapon 1500 Desire Medals
Rate-up Weapon (S) 800 Desire Medals
Rate-up nightmare 1500 Desire Medals
Job Arcana 500 Desire Medals
Upgrade Sword (SR) 100 Desire Medals
Dragon Shackle 100 Desire Medals

Item Cost
Rate-up Job 1500 Desire Medals
Rate-up Weapon 1500 Desire Medals
Rate-up nightmare 1500 Desire Medals
Job Arcana 500 Desire Medals
Character Strengthening Book 500 Desire Medals
Upgrade Sword (SS) 100 Desire Medals
Dragon Shackle 100 Desire Medals
Dragon Eye (Fire) 20 Desire Medals
Dragon Eye (Water) 20 Desire Medals
Dragon Eye (Wind) 20 Desire Medals
Dragon Scale (Fire) 5 Desire Medals
Dragon Scale (Water) 5 Desire Medals
Dragon Scale (Wind) 5 Desire Medals
Bird Crown 20 Desire Medals
Bird Wing 5 Desire Medals
Purification Ticket 50 Desire Medals

Routine Banners[]

Certain gacha banners are scheduled regularly every month. Note that some of these banners present in the Japanese server may take time to be introduced in the Global server.

Daily Gacha[]

Daily banner jp

The Daily Gacha is a free gacha that can be pulled once per day. After 30 pulls one SS weapon or nightmare is guaranteed.

Specialized Gacha[]

Specialized Gacha (spec) is a set of monthly banners with each banner representing a specific weapon type. Each banner has three rate-up weapons of a single type, and these weapons often have superior stats and skills compared to normal pool weapons. Only support weapons can be drawn from the instrument, tome, staff, and orb pickup banners. Only DPS weapons can be drawn from the physical weapons and magical weapons pickup. Rate-up weapons in spec gacha cannot be obtained through the monthly desire medal shop.

Recycle Gacha[]

Recycle banner jp

Recycle Gacha is a monthly banner that allows players to return one SS weapon from the player’s inventory for guaranteed SS weapons of a different type. These banners are limited to a specific number of tries, and do not include weapons with character jobs. There are two separated banners:

Banner Name Attempt Limit Cost Return
Guaranteed 1 SS Recycle Gacha Up to 5 times 1 SS weapon

300 crystals


Guarantees at least 1 SS weapon of a different type than consumed

Guaranteed 2 18+ Cost SS Recycle Gacha Up to 3 times 1 SS weapon

600 crystals


Guarantees at least 2 SS weapons of a different type than consumed

At least 2 SS weapons are 18+ cost

Limit Break Gacha[]

Limit Break Gacha is a monthly banner that allows players select three weapons they have already obtained from the gacha pool. The selected weapons will have an increased rate of being pulled. There are two separate banners:

Banner Name Attempt Limit Cost Return
6% SS Drop Rate Limit Break Gacha No limit 300 crystals 11-pull

Guarantees 1 weapon at least S or higher

SS chances increased to 6%

1 SS Guaranteed Limit Break Gacha Up to 3 times 500 crystals 11-pull

Guarantees at least 1 SS weapon

Additional items Including: 4 Purification Tickets, 2 Drop Vials, 2 EXP Vials
