
Dreams Under Missing Pages is a NieR RepliCant Collaboration in SINoALICE.

Dreams under missing pages
"Dreams Under Missing Pages"

Intro Scene[]

We bid you welcome to the Librar--Huh...?

We have very strange company, it seems.

We have very unusual company, it seems.

This is the Library, where all who enter are welcome.

Everyone, with no exceptions!

Do you suppose our guests will enjoy themselves?



Verse 1[]

Nier boss small
"H-Hey! Wake up!"

I can feel my body move. No--being moved.
I can name.

Emil? Is that you?

"It's me! Remember?"

Of course. Of course I remember.
How could I forget a friend.

But I don't recognize you.

"I know I look a bit different now..."

I can feel my memories and reality crashing into
each other like waves in the ocean.

Talking to this body-less Emil is slowly bringing me back.

Wait, what about my sister?!

Where is Yonah?!

Young Nier:
I thought...I defeated the Shadowlord.
Yonah... Where's Yonah?

Just focus on the enemies in front of us!

Young Nier:
Got it!

We were...humanity was...destroyed.

There were shades. Monsters of pure evil
they would ravage cities, and the people inside.

Their king, the Shadowlord.
Once took my sister from me.

With the help of my friends, we hunted the shades
after killing the shadowlord I thought we...
I thought Yonah was finally safe.

It feels so empty.

Like we are the only beings that inhabit it.
It makes me feel uneasy.

I don't know where I am,
but I know if there are shades, then it's dangerous.

I must hurry.

Hurry and find Yonah.

Verse 1 - Alternate[]

Emil boss small

Power immeasurable. Tough as steel.
The face of a human. I was born a weapon.

Despite the fate designed for me,
my friends believed my life had meaning.

I must protect those who are precious to me.
In this plane of endless existence, I can wait forever,
but is forever enough time
to make such a wish come true?

Verse 2[]

Nier boss small

Where I'm from, it takes everything you got just to survive.
Yet there still were people who were kind.

And that allowed my sister and I to survive
on our own.

Verse 3[]

Emil boss small

You were kind to everyone, and I always knew where you stood.
Even in my state you would embrace me as if...
I wasn't this terrible horror.
That's just who you were.

Verse 3 - Mistranslated[]

Emil boss small

Yonah was kind to everyone, and as pure as snow.
Even in my state she would embrace me as if...
I wasn't this terrible horror.
That's just who she was.

Wiki Note:
This is likely a mistranslation and should be referring to Nier
instead of Yonah, as Nier is much closer to Emil in source material.

Verse 4[]

Nier boss small

Hunting shades was how we got by.

Despite being constantly surrounded by evil,
we somehow survived.

Verse 5[]

Nier boss small

This must be the end.

As we cut through countless shades
we arrived at a garden that exists somewhere in the back of my mind.

Shadowlord's Castle.

Yes, this should be the end.
The castle where the Shadowlord took my sister.

I killed him. I saved her.
I killed him...I saved her...

"We should look for clues!"

Yes, Emil, we should.
We can't stop now.

We pressed on into the castle.

Young Nier:
This is where he kept her.
Then perhaps just ahead...
The Shadowlord? But.... I thought...

It must be real with this much power.
We won't make it out unless we kill him quick!

The Shadowlord dispersed into a dark mist
from the slice of my blade.

Encompassing light, like a twisted eclipse.
Where is Yonah?

My memory were slowly disappearing from me
like someone was blacking them out line by line.

I started to question if they were even real at all.
My friends. My sister. The pain. Love...

Real or not.

I will save Yonah.
She is my reason for living.

Or at least, the reason I chose.

Verse 5 - Alternate[]

Emil boss small

All of the hate, all of the anger...
All of the sorrow, all of the pain...
Will death free me from this torment?
The hope I have inside my heart...
Will it disappear from me forever?

I endure the pain of this twisted existence.
Because you are always there to comfort me.

You make me believe I have a future.

Verse 6[]

Nier boss small

The villagers all worried about my sister.

But that was all they could do.
Sympathy was not enough to save her.

Verse 7[]

Emil boss small

This cursed power was forced upon me.
This cursed body was forced upon me.

But I don't care.
I can use it to help, to save, to protect.

Verse 8[]

Nier boss small

Yonah did nothing wrong. She was simply
guilty of being born in a world so twisted.

I will protect her.
Even if the world ends.

Verse 9[]

Nier boss small

I hear a voice in the distance.

I turn and peer into the darkness
to see a girl in the pitch black.

Yonah? Yo...nah...

"W-Watch out!"

Emil screams and gets blown away by the dark mass.

An animal-like shadow appears,
and envelopes the girl in darkness.

No. That isn't Yonah. It can't be.
It must die.

Young Nier:
Yonah... Yonah...
What did you do to Yonah? Where is she?

You...okay? You're freaking me out.

Young Nier:

The sound of the enemy
being cut to pieces, and the 'screams of my friend
ring in my ear.

"Let her go! LET HER GO! LET. HER. GO!"

Like a broken record replaying the same verse over and over.

His only reason for living
is to save his precious sister.

And mine...

My reason for living
is to make sure he does.

Verse 9 - Alternate[]

Emil boss small

Even if we have no hope left.
This body, this power.
They exist to protect you.

If you were to die, I would simply...

Nier boss small

In this endless dark. I was being saved
only by my wish to save her.

If Yonah disappeared forever...


Verse 10[]

Nier boss small

I was burdened with a prayer
that would never be answered.

Even if the days we spent barely scraping by
were all for nothing. The fact we were alive at all
was worth something. I must persist.

Verse 11[]

Emil boss small

It could all just be in my head.
If I could just forget, the pain would end.
But I can't. I won't.
I want to see them again.

Verse 12[]

Emil boss small


The shade reappeared, as if to answer his call.
Then consumed him whole.

The resembled the girl from before.

No! You mustn't let it!



He shouted, clearing the darkness in a flash.

But what was revealed was no longer a man,
but the remains of a man, crushed by responsibility.

He appeared as the Shadowlord.

Disembodied Emil:
No...It can't be. He looks just like...
He's being controlled. It's not the Nier I know!
Come back to me!

The Now Special One:

Disembodied Emil:
Please! Please!! You must resist!


You must resist!

I alone cannot defeat you!

Nor can I live in...

Wait...I understand now.

Why didn't I realize sooner?

None of this makes any sense.

Someone precious to me, taken by shadow?

Kainé too. Where is Kainé?

Where is anyone?

This is all a lie.

Disembodied Emil:
This is a dream...It has to be a dream...
Why do you suffer so?
Why are you so bitter?
I finally...found you...
I finally...

No matter how hard, or how much it hurt.
You never gave up on me.
So I will not give up on you!

I will never let you go!

Once upon a time...

I had friends. But...

In this never ending existence.

The memories most precious...
crumble in the dark.

All that is left is desire.
The desire to see them again.

A desire that connected me to
this twisted world where wishes come true.

Where I was allowed to dream a twisted dream.

I don't care if this lie was just a dream.
Fighting an endless war with machines
All alone, all by myself. It's just too much.

Thank you. For making my heart whole.

Even just for a moment.

Verse 12 - Alternate[]

Nier boss small

This fight. This slaughter.
It's all to achieve the one wish I have in life.

Thus I must kill every last shade.

There is a wish I must fulfill.
Regardless of the outcome, I must choose.

My fate is my choice.

Ending Scene[]

This story tells of the thoughts that were left to the weapons.

This story tells of the weapons themselves.

These powerful, lingering thoughts surpassed the bonds of their desires.

and found their place here in the Library.

Their owners are long gone, but their thoughts still remain…

The depths of their desires are well beyond measure…

Where have the people gone who held these desires?

Wherever you are, you’re always welcome here.
