Should you reroll in SINoALICE?[]
All characters in SINoALICE are created equal, and all jobs provide similar damage boosts for the specific weapon they specialize in. There aren't any game-breaking units in SINoALICE, and any SS/SR weapons available in the beginner pool will eventually be replaceable. Default jobs for early generation characters will be unlocked for free when playing story, so you will be able to obtain your favorite character regardless of your initial gacha pull. (The exception to this being characters introduced later, including Three Little Pigs, Aladdin, Hamelin, and Rapunzel with initial jobs only obtainable through gacha.) Collab characters will not be included in the initial gacha pool.
Re-rolling won't make the game any easier in the long run, so what you reroll for is up to you. You can reroll for your favorite character, or for a job and weapon type you plan to main in Colosseum.
Despite this, SINoALICE makes rerolling easy. In JP, the initial gacha happens first thing at startup before most game data is downloaded. In Global, unlimited rerolls for the initial gacha are built into the game.
Stamina and Purification[]
Playing battles in story will consume AP. AP is the stamina system. AP is restored over time, but can also be restored through the purification minigame (also referred to as cleaning.) Purification is free until rank 20 in Global, and rank 120 in JP. Purification also provides player EXP, so it is recommended to only purify when you need to when starting out, or you will rank up too quickly and lose free purification.
When free purification becomes unavailable, purification can only be performed every 8 hours. You will need purification tickets to play the minigame before the 8 hour time limit is up. The best way to obtain purification tickets is through event medal exchanges.
Gacha, also called Grimoire in Global, is the main resource of collecting weapons and certain SS/SR nightmares. Jobs will be unlocked when pulling an associated weapon from gacha.
Rates for typical gacha banners:
Rarity | Rate |
SS/SR | 3% |
S | 20% |
A | 77% |
Pity System
Desire Medals are earned by pulling from typical gacha banners. Players get 10 medals for each single pull and 100 medals for each multi pull, with those medals expiring one week after the end of each month. Rate-up jobs, nightmares, and SS/SR weapons are obtainable from the medal exchange for 1500 Desire Medals. Note that purchasing an SS/SR weapon associated with a job will not unlock the job, and will have to be purchased separately.
Special collabs and events will occasionally dispense separate medals, and have a separate medal exchange.
You will typically be able to exchange at least one job a month even as free-to-play, as long as you are an active player and are pulling from gacha.
Grid Building - Jobs & Weapons[]
Jobs, also called classes in Global, are different character designs that you can collect. Jobs are typically obtained by pulling an associated S or SS/SR weapon in gacha. When equipped, a job will provide damage boosts for a specific weapon type. You can only use one job with a grid at a time, and the main value in collecting various jobs are the global stats they provide upon leveling up.
There are eight job types to choose from:
Job Type | Boosted Weapon | Weapon Role |
Breaker | Sword | Single-target physical damage |
Crusher | Hammer | Multiple-target physical damage |
Gunner | Bow | Single-target magical damage |
Paladin | Polearm | Multiple-target magical damage |
Sorcerer | Book | Debuff enemies |
Minstrel | Instrument | Buff allies |
Cleric | Staff | Heal allies |
Mage | Orb | Multiple-target magical damage |
Depending on which job you set to your grid, you will only be able to equip 4 of the 8 weapon types in your main grid.
Breaker | Crusher | Gunner | Paladin | Sorcerer | Minstrel | Cleric | Mage | |
Can Equip | Swords, Hammer, Bows, Polearms | Books, Instruments, Staffs, Orbs |
Which Job should you use in Story?
Story stages typically have an area bonus for a specific character. You will deal the most damage if you use a job of that character. This is assuming you have already leveled up the job enough to unlock the area bonus, and that you have enough of the job's associated weapon type in your grid.
If you do not have an ideal job for the character in the area bonus, use any character with a job type you have the most weapons for.
Special Job Series
There are certain jobs that will provide larger boosts than normal jobs under certain conditions. The boost generally comes at the cost of reduced damaged for other types of weapons. You will need to make sure you have an appropriate weapons grid before using them. For this reason, it is good to review the level conditions or check the jobs list in the SINoALICE Database before using a job.
Special job series present in the JP server will take time to introduce to the Global servers. The Half-Nightmare (HNM) job series is best used for Colosseum when you have a full grid of a specific weapon type, and the Sin job series is best used in story when you have a full grid of a specific element. See the Jobs page for more details.
Weapons have elemental attributes of fire, water, and wind that will deal more and less damage against enemies of elements they are strong and weak to. A, S, and SS/SR weapons are obtainable through gacha. (JP server weapons are labeled SS while Global server weapons are labeled SR.) Base A weapons can be evolved to S and sometimes SS/SR, base S weapons can be evolved to SS/SR, and base SS/SR weapons can be evolved to L. Ultimately, you will want a complete grid of L weapons. It can be worthwhile to use S weapons when first starting out, but they should be replaced as soon as you are able to. A and unused S weapons should be used as fodder for raising weapon skills (not sold for gold.)
Every weapon has an SP cost and equip cost. The SP cost is how much SP the weapon skill will consume in a story battle. The equip cost is how much the weapon costs to add to your grid. You only have a limited amount of total cost you can use to equip weapons, and this total cost will increase as you rank up.
You can limit break weapons by obtaining dupes. Weapons with limit breaks will have a higher level cap and skill level cap. You will need 5 copies of a weapon to complete all 4 limit breaks. The same weapon cannot be equipped multiple times to your grid, so limit breaking is the best use for dupes.
Remember to fill your subgrid. Weapons in your subgrid are not usable in battle, but they will increase your stats by a reduced amount, and you can add weapon types not allowed in your main grid. 10% of subgrid equipment stats will contribute to your total stats.
Each piece of armor has a story skill and set effect. The story skill will boost the damage for a weapon type of a specific element. Story skills can be raised by using other armor or skill gems as fodder. The set effect will boost weapon skills used against a specific enemy type, as long as all four armor of a matching series are equipped. Story skills and set effects will not apply in Colosseum.
Typically base B armor will drop in story, and base A armor will drop in armor events. B armor can only be evolved to S, and A armor evolved to SS/SR, so it is preferable to use your resources on base A armor. (Most types of A armor can be evolved to L in the JP server, but this update may take a while to reach Global.)
Nightmares are creatures with special skills that can be summoned to aid in battle. SS/SR nightmares can be obtained through gacha, raids, and event medal exchanges. Certain SS/SR nightmares are included in normal gacha pools and can be summoned in place of a weapon.
A player can summon a nightmare once in battle. When multiple players join a battle on co-op, they each can summon a nightmare, but cannot repeat any nightmares with the same skill. Nightmares with the same skill also cannot be repeated by guild members in Colosseum.
End Goal[]
Eventually it will be ideal to have 3 separate grids, each of a single element for use in story. This is because most events and raids in SINoALICE have bosses of a single elemental type. These grids are also best used with the Sin job series, which provide the largest damage boost in story as long as your grid follows certain conditions. (See jobs for more information about the Sin series.)
In Colosseum, it will eventually be ideal to have at least one full grid of a single weapon type. This is because your weapons will receive the largest boost from your job bonus, especially when used with the Half-Nightmare (HNM) job series. (See jobs for more information about the HNM series.)
How to Increase Stats?[]
Your total stats is the sum of all the equipment in your grid, your base rank stats, and the global stats obtained by leveling up jobs.
When starting out, your primary focus should be upgrading and evolving your weapons for stats, and ranking up to increase your max cost for equipping weapons. (But don't spam cleaning in order to level up fast, or you'll run out of free cleaning and require cleaning tickets to refill your AP.)
Once your weapons grid is complete, it is best to focus on upgrading and evolving nightmares and armor. Then once your main grid is filled you can start raising equipment for your subgrid, since 10% of the stats in your subgrid will also contribute to your total stats.
Collecting more jobs and job arcana will also provide you with stats after leveling jobs with mastery points. Master points are best obtained by selling mastery books. (See jobs for more information on arcana and mastery.)
Which weapon types scale off which stats?[]
- Damage from swords and hammers scales off physical attack stats.
- Damage from bows and polearms scales off magical attack stats.
- Damage from orbs scales off magical attack stats.
- Heals from staffs scale off combined physical and magical defense stats.
- Buffs and Debuffs scale off whichever stat the weapon is buffing or debuffing.
Colosseum - PvP[]
Colosseum is the main PvP mode in SINoALICE in which two guilds face off in a daily 20 minute battle. The winner is determined as the guild with the highest lifeforce (inochi) score. Lifeforce is collected by dealing damage to opponents and seizing enemy ships.
Guilds can have a maximum of 15 members at a time, and guilds must choose a specific time slot for daily Colosseum battles. Roles in Colosseum are divided into 5 DPS and 10 supports, with DPS on the frontline and supports in the backline. Any damage-dealing weapons used in the backline will deal significantly reduced damage, so it is recommended to not mix orbs into support grids.
During Colosseum, demons (shinma) provide weapon boosts that guilds can fight for. One support weapon and two DPS weapons will be boosted at a time. The DPS weapons will be paired as either sword and spear, or bow and hammer, so DPS players should eventually build two separate grids for use with each demon type.
Mage jobs and orbs are not recommended for use in Colosseum, as orbs typically do not contribute to demon boosts.
When playing battles in story, four CPU characters will fight alongside your account until active players join your room. CPU characters use weapons at a slower rate than active players. By default, CPU accounts are selected randomly from players with similar stats.
You can set specific CPU from accounts you follow by changing the co-op settings in the bottom right corner of the main story screen.

Co-op Settings Icon
Even after setting specific accounts, the stats of CPU characters will scale down to your current stats. However, weapon skill levels and armor skill levels will not be altered, and advanced players are likely to have higher skill levels. For this reason it can be helpful to set strong players as CPU if you are struggling to clear content. Note that active players will not be able to join on co-op while specific CPU are set, unless they are the same players you have selected.
You can also change room settings to be friend only, guild only, or friend and guild only if you want to prevent random players from joining on co-op.
Medal Events[]
Outside of Gran Colosseum and clearing story, medal events are one of the best ways to collect Twilight Crystals. Event-specific medals will drop from event stages, and these medals can be used to purchase crystals through the event medal exchange. There are also personal milestones and guild milestones that will grant crystals and other rewards upon completion. The cumulative total of medals collected by guild members will contribute to guild milestones, so it is important to be in an active guild if you want to earn the max possible crystals.
Typically the final event stage on hard mode will provide the most medals in the least amount of time. When equipped, SS/SR weapons from the event gacha and S weapons from the event medal exchange will act as multipliers to increase the medals dropped in a stage. These weapons can be limit broken for higher multipliers. Equipping these weapons to your subgrid will still provide medal multipliers, and is often the most ideal option for maintaining stats.
(In the JP server) 10k medals must be collected by a single member for that member to gain rewards from guild milestones. You can only earn rewards from each milestone once, even after switching guilds.
Common Mistakes[]
Don't purify more than you need to[]
When starting out you should only purify when you are low on AP. Spamming the purification minigame will cause you to rank up too fast and lose free purification benefits.
Fill your subgrid[]
You will miss out on additional stats if you forget to add equipment to your subgrid. Using the auto-fill feature for subgrids is fine.
Do not sell A and S weapons[]
It is best to keep A and unused S weapons as upgrade fodder for base SS/SR weapons in your grid. Upgrading weapons with A and S weapons will raise the weapon's skill levels. (See weapons for more details on how skill level can affect damage.)
You can also limit break A and S weapons for crystals. You will receive 30 crystals for every 5 limit breaks until the mission cap is met. (You may have to limit break weapons one at a time.)
Sparking weapons from the desire medal exchange will not unlock the job[]
Sparking is a term for obtaining items through the pity system after not receiving them from your gacha pulls. If you do not receive a job you want through gacha, sparking the job's weapon from the desire medal exchange will not unlock the job. You must spark the job and the weapon separately if you want both.
Playing Mage is not useful in Colosseum[]
Maining Mage jobs is not recommended in Colosseum since orbs typically do not contribute to demon boosts. It is also best to avoid equipping orbs to Colosseum support grids since any damage-dealing weapon used from the backline will deal significantly reduced damage.
Do not equip weapons of elemental weaknesses to Sin jobs[]
It is best to check the level conditions of jobs before using them. Sin jobs provide a higher boost for an elemental weapon type, but will decrease damage for weapons of the elemental weakness by 25%, so make sure you have an appropriate grid before using a sin job. Similarly, Sin Half-Nightmare jobs will decrease the damage of two other elemental types by 75%, so only use these jobs with single-element grids.
Do not equip weapon type weaknesses to Half-Nightmare jobs[]
Half-Nightmare jobs provide a higher damage boost for a weapon type in Colosseum, but will decrease damage of two other weapon types by 75%. Make sure you have an appropriate grid before using a HNM job.
JP Beginners[]
Beginner Gacha[]
When first creating an account on the JP server, there will be two consecutive rounds of beginner gacha banners that last 36 hours each. These banners have reduced crystal cost and guarantee the job in the banner on the final step. These gachas are very good value and are worth pulling.
Beginner Weapon Packs[]
Beginner packs are available for anyone to purchase and cost 500 crystals each. There are two packs, one for DPS and one for support, which each contain 20 weapons and 5 nightmares. Most weapons in these packs have skills that are not preferable for PvP, but they are still good weapons for starting out. The nightmares in these packs are good for stats and some see use in Colosseum. These packs are extremely good value and purchasing them will help you raise stats fast.
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This page includes info for both JP and Global servers. Key differences are specified where appropriate. |